Spanish I, II, III

Spanish 1
Spanish 1 is an honors course involving a year of comprehensive language study that addresses the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The text, ¡ En Español! , is used. Audiovisual programs, as well as recorded materials, are used in the classroom to enhance student listening and speaking skills. Students will use worksheets to enhance reading and writing skills. There are daily assignments and active student participation is required.
Spanish 2
Must have passed Spanish One and have teacher approval.
Spanish 2 is an honors course and is a continuation of Spanish I. The same four skills of listening, reading, and writing are consistently addressed by means of the ¡ En Español! text, the audio-visual program, and recorded programs that accompany the text, and student worksheets. There are daily assignments and active student participation is required.
Spanish 3
Must have passed Spanish two and have teacher approval.
Spanish III, again an honors course, builds on the skills learned in Spanish I and Spanish II. The ¡ En Español! text is used. The same format of instruction is used in Spanish I and Spanish II. There is an audio-visual program that accompanies the text as well as worksheets. It is expected that students completing Spanish III will have a good command of Spanish, both in speaking and writing. There are daily assignments and active student participation is required.

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