Pre: All Students Invited
This course gives an introduction to basic woodworking, including the use and care of hand tools, selected power tools, identifications of various woods, basic joinery, use of various fasteners, and basic understanding of working drawings. At least three required projects will be assigned. Upon completion of these a student may work on an individual project, with the instructor’s approval. Safety is an important part of the curriculum and all students will be expected to abide by safety rules. Students are required to provide their own safety glasses and have them in class each day. There is a $10 shop fee per semester to cover the cost of consumable materials such as: sandpaper, finishes, fasteners, paper towels and soap. All materials for required projects are covered in the cost of the shop fee. Materials for individual student projects must be paid for before construction of the project begins. Any project where the material cost exceed $25 require parental permission.
Pre: B or Better in Woodwork 1 and Instructor Approval
This course requires successful completion of Woodwork 1. The course is project based with instruction given on a higher skill level than Woodwork 1. Students will be required to bring their own project ideas and complete the project for success in this class. All participants will pay a $10 shop fee and supply their own safety glasses. Materials used beyond the donated lumber, will require filling out a bill of materials and paying for materials before construction on the project begins.
Woodwork Pictures
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