
This course is designed to cover many aspects of biology which may be useful in everyday life. The subject matter included in this class will be similar to the information covered in the Honors Biology course but with more emphasis on everyday biological happenings. Biology is the science of living things, and as such, is taught as a science that deals with life in all its known forms. *You will not receive credit for both General Biology and Honors Biology due to the similarity of the curriculum.
Honors Biology
Must be at least a sophomore and have teacher recommendation.
This course is designed for the college-bound student 10-12. Biology is the science of living things, and as such, is taught as a science that deals with life in all its known forms. The course of study will include information concerning cell structure and function, chemistry of life, heredity, and the genetic code, survey of living organisms and their characteristics, and the relationship between organisms and their environment. *Semester projects are required for this class. *Dissections labs are required in this class. *If a student is interesting in being eligible for college credit, they must take Honors Biology before Advanced biology.
Grade 9 Note: Exceptional 8th grade students who show aptitude in physical science may challenge the exams for Integrated Science. Students who demonstrate proficiency by scoring 80% or better on those exams may earn a challenge credit for the class and enroll in Honors biology as a freshman.
Advanced Biology
Must have completed Honors Biology or have teacher approval.
This class is designed for students with a keen interest in the life sciences. It would be especially beneficial for those interested in pursuing a career in any form of Biology or medical science. This course will delve deeper into many of the subjects covered in Honors Biology and further prepare students for Biology at the college level. The course of study will include information concerning cell biology, chemistry of life, heredity and the genetic code, bio ethics, mammalian anatomy, how organisms change over time, and relationships between organisms and their environment. *Semester projects and dissection labs are a required component of this class. *If offered by TVCC, college credit may be obtained in Advanced Biology for college level General Biology. In order to be eligible for this credit, students must first complete Honors Biology with a grade of B or better both semesters prior to enrolling in Advanced Biology. Once registered in Advanced Biology, students must obtain necessary signatures and pay any fees themselves. *Advanced Biology students will be given the opportunity to take the AP Biology exam at the end of the year near the beginning of May. Those students who have excelled in both Honors and Advanced biology, and have spent an adequate amount of time studying for the exam over and above the normal biology class requirements should consider taking the exam. Students who score a 3 or higher on the exam may receive college credit from a college or university that accepts AP credits. It is a good idea to check with the university the student plans to attend to see if they will accept AP credits. TVCC will award 12 general biology credits to those students who score a 4. More information will be given to students during class.
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