Language Arts

Honors Junior English
Pre: 1O, Successful Completion of freshman and Sophomore English; Must score an 70% on the Honors English Entrance exam and a 45 composite score on a writing sample. Must have successfully met their OAKS Reading and Writing tests. This course will include advanced writing, reading, speaking, and listening, including but not limited to the following: Socratic seminar, debates, narrative writing, and literary analysis. Throughout the year students will be focusing on writing in preparation for meeting both the state graduation requirement and the state writing assessment given Junior year, as well as success on college entrance exams. Students will be required to compose multiple drafts, conference with the teacher and peers, regularly revise and edit, and submit multiple work samples. Furthermore, students will be required to read both inside and outside of class, complete essays using college level books both inside and outside of class, create and deliver multi-media presentations about various topics, teach mini skill-based lessons, prepare thoroughly for and participate in Socratic seminar etc…. Students will continue to develop analysis and synthesizing skills through reading, a wide variety of literature, including short stories, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays in preparation for meeting both the state graduation requirement and college entrance exams.
Freshman English
Pre: Pass 8th grade OAKS in reading and score at grade level on the placement test. This course will include writing, reading, speaking, and listening. Throughout the year students will be focusing on writing in preparation for meeting both the state graduation requirement and the state writing assessment given junior year. Students will be required to compose multiple drafts, conference with the teacher and peers, regularly revise and edit, and submit multiple work samples. Furthermore, students will be required to read both inside and outside of class. Students will read and analyze a wide variety of literature, including short stories, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays in preparation for meeting both the state graduation requirement and state reading assessment requirements.
Honors English 9
Pre: Recommendation from 8th grade teacher; must score a 60% or better on honors English Entrance exam and a 40 composite score in writing sample; must have met their OAKS reading test; must complete Honors summer project, which is due the first day of class. Honors English 9 will provide you with a comprehensive experience in writing and literature in preparation for meeting graduation and state writing requirements, and success on college entrance exams. You will continue to develop your writing, reading, and discussion skills both inside and outside of the classroom. You will also complete multiple literary analyses, create and deliver multimedia presentations, teach mini skill-based lessons, participate in Socratic seminars, and participate and 40 | P a g e contribute in 100% of all classroom activities. Furthermore, you will be required to read both inside and outside of class. We will read, analyze, synthesize information, discuss, and debate a wide variety of literature, including short stories, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays.
Sophomore English
Pre: Sophomore This course will include writing, reading, speaking, and listening. Throughout the year students will be focusing on writing in preparation for meeting both the state graduation requirement and the state writing assessment given Junior year. Students will be required to compose multiple drafts, conference with the teacher and peers, regularly revise and edit, and submit multiple work samples. Furthermore, students will be required to read both inside and outside of class. Students will read, analyze and synthesize a wide variety of literature, including short stories, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays in preparation for meeting both the state graduation requirement and state reading assessment requirements
Junior English
Pre: Junior This course will include writing, reading, speaking, and listening. Throughout the year students will be focusing on writing in preparation for meeting both the state graduation requirement and the state writing assessment given junior year. Students will be required to compose multiple drafts, conference with the teacher and peers, regularly revise and edit, and submit multiple work samples. Furthermore, students will be required to read both inside and outside of class. Students will continue developing analytical and synthesizing skills by reading a wide variety of literature, including short stories, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays in preparation for meeting both the state graduation requirement and state reading assessment requirements.
Honors Senior English
Pre: 12, Successful Completion of Sophomore and Junior English; Must score an 80% on the Honors Entrance Exam and a 50 composite score on a writing sample. Students must successfully meet both their OAKS Reading and Writing tests and scored an 81 on the COMPASS Reading test and placed into Writing 121 on the Writing Compass. This course will include advanced writing, reading, speaking, and listening, including but not limited to the following: Socratic seminar, debates, persuasive writing, and literary analysis. Throughout the year students will be focusing on writing in preparation for meeting the state graduation requirement as well as preparing for success on college entrance exams, and success in the work force. Students will be required to compose multiple drafts, conference with the teacher and peers, regularly revise and edit, and submit multiple work samples. Furthermore, students will be required to read both inside and outside of class, complete essays using college level books both inside and outside of class, create and deliver multi-media presentations about various topics, teach mini skill-based lessons, prepare thoroughly for and participate in Socratic seminar, differentiate between different forms of rhetoric, etc…. Students will continue to read, analyze and synthesize a wide variety of literature, including short stories, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays in preparation for meeting both the state graduation requirement and college entrance exams.
English as a Second Language I, II, III, IV
Pre: Instructor Approval Offered on four levels, these courses are designed to help students learn to communicate effectively in English. Students are placed at the level most appropriate to their current English language ability, continuing in the program as indicated by their skills. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing are emphasized through the use of short stories, poetry, and novels. Vocabulary, sentence structure, and paragraph development are emphasized, along with reading and literary analysis of various genres.
Language Arts
Language Arts is a four year preparatory program in literature, oral and written language, designed to develop the students’ abilities to read critically, to think logically, and to speak and write proficiently. Basic skills classes are provided for those needing additional help. Honors and advanced classes are offered for students who have an extensive interest in English, who welcome a rigorous course of study, who have performed at a consistently high academic level in English, and/or who meet established English Department criteria.
Pre: Language Placement Test, and OAKS Reading and Writing Tests Entrance, language course level, and exit criteria are based on scores from: Language Placement Test, OAKS Reading test, and a writing sample. This course uses a comprehensive literacy curriculum that incorporates elements of English language development. It provides effective, explicit, sequential, logistically logical and systematic instruction for struggling readers, writers, speakers, and spellers. The six components that make up this course are: phonemic awareness and phonics, word recognition and spelling, vocabulary and morphology, grammar and usage, listening and reading comprehension, and speaking and writing. Together these mesh to form a fundamental foundation in English.
Reading Lab
This course is for juniors and seniors that have yet to meet the OAKS Reading graduation requirement. This course is a comprehensive and intensive course in each of the OAKS reading categories: vocabulary, reading to perform a task, demonstrating general understanding, developing interpretations, and examining content and structures of both informational and literary texts. In addition to the skill practice in each of these categories, students will learn and practice annotation and note-taking to be more critical and engaged readers. Each student will also complete several reading work samples as a back-up plan to the OAKS test. Once a student has met the reading requirement, they can be exited from the class at semester.
Writing Lab
The State of Oregon requires all students to show proficiency in writing to earn a diploma. This is ideally accomplished through the OAKS Writing Assessment. However, if a student does not pass, the state has allowed students to prove writing proficiency through passing expository and persuasive work samples. These work samples are created and scored in Writing Lab. Students who have not passed the OAKS Writing Assessment are required to take this course, as well as those identified as needing support prior to taking the OAKS Writing Assessment. Students will receive instruction and practice on all writing skills and multiple formal work sample opportunities.
Speech is a skills course will help you develop poise both as a speaker and an audience member. You will learn to analyze the purpose of a speech as well as the audience to which it is directed. This class will help make students more comfortable with public speaking and develop excellent listening skills. College credit is available from TVCC for Speech 111.
Honors Sophomore English
Pre: Successful Completion of Freshman English; Previous and Upcoming Must score a 60% or better on Honors English Entrance exam and a 40 composite score in writing sample must have met their OAKS reading test. This course will include advanced writing, reading, speaking, and listening, including but not limited to the following: Socratic seminar, debates, persuasive writing, and literary analysis. Throughout the year students will be focusing on writing in preparation for meeting both the state graduation requirement and the state writing assessment given Junior year, as well as success on college entrance exams. Students will be required to compose multiple drafts, conference with the teacher and peers, regularly revise and edit, and submit multiple work samples. Furthermore, students will be required to read both inside and outside of class, complete essays using college level books both inside and outside of class, create and deliver multi-media presentations about various topics, teach mini skill-based lessons, prepare thoroughly for and participate in Socratic seminar etc…. Students will read, analyze and synthesize a wide variety of literature, including short stories, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays in preparation for meeting both the state graduation requirement and college entrance exams.
SH English 12
Pre: recent Language graduate, recommendation from junior year teacher Sheltered instruction English 12 is recommended for seniors who have yet to meet proficiency in reading or have recently exited from Language! classes. Students will receive additional support and instruction toward meeting proficiency requirements. This class will provide students with a comprehensive and cumulative experience in writing and literature in preparation for meeting graduation requirements and for entering college and the workforce. Students will continue to develop your writing, reading, and discussion skills. Students will also complete multiple literary analyses, work on documents for college and career, and complete at least one major research project. Furthermore, students will be required to read both inside and outside of class. We will read, analyze, synthesize information, discuss, and debate a wide variety of literature, including short stories, fiction, non-fiction, etc.
Senior English
Pre: Senior This course will include writing, reading, speaking, and listening. Throughout the year students will be focusing on writing in preparation for college and careers after high school. Students will be required to compose multiple drafts, conference with the teacher and peers, regularly revise and edit, and submit multiple work samples. Furthermore, students will be required to read both inside and outside of class. Students will continue developing analytical and synthesizing skills by reading a wide variety of literature, including short stories, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays in preparation for college and careers after high school.

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