Art Classes

Art 1
Semester 1
Lab Fee: $10.00
Art I is an introductory class where students will learn the Elements and Principles of Design and how to use them to create 2-D and 3D art. Drawing skills are not necessary. Art history, criticism and appreciation are woven into every project. Grading Criteria: Not graded on talent, but on attendance, participation effort, attitude and improvement in skill development.
Art 2
Semester: 2
Pre: Art I completed with a C or better
Lab fee: $10.00
Art II is a continuation of Art I. Students will continue to study the Elements & Principles of Design and how to apply them to projects using a variety of medium and art forms. Drawing skills are not necessary. Art history, criticism appreciation are woven into every project. Grading criteria: No graded on talent, but on attendance, participation, effort, attitude and improvement in skill development.
Art for Children
Pre: good attendance history, desire to work with young children and be a positive role model.
Lab fee: $10.00
Do you love to work with young children? This may be the class for you! In ART FOR CHILDREN, you will have the opportunity to learn how to design, plan and teach art projects to elementary age students. No background in art is needed, just a willingness to try. Grading criteria: Students are heavily graded on attendance, participation and effort, attitude and following school dress codes. Students must maintain 80% of participation points to be eligible to teach in elementary classes.
Drawing 1
Semester 1
Pre: 10-12, Art I or equivalent class with instructor’s approval
Lab fee: $10
Drawing I is a semester class which covers the basics of drawing from observation. Prior drawing experience and talent is not necessary! Drawing is a skill which can be learned by anyone. Students will learn techniques to make their drawings look more 3-D and realistic in a variety of medium including pencil and charcoal. Students will be able to evaluate their own artwork. Grading criteria: not graded on talent, but on attendance, participation and effort, attitude and improvement in skill development.
Drawing 2/Painting
Semester 2
Pre: 10-12, ART I, DRAWING I or instructor’s approval
Lab fee: $10
Drawing II/Painting is an opportunity to continue to work on drawing skills and experiment with color and painting medium. Students will also work on self-selected subjects 4th quarter. Grading criteria: Not graded on talent but on attendance, participation and effort, attitude and improvement in skill development.
Lab fee: $10
Class description to be added
Advanced Art
Semester: 1
Pre: 11-12, ART I, DRAWING I or instructor’s approval
Lab fee: $10
*Can be taken for honors credit Students will develop a portfolio of work that represents their artistic talents and strengths. Students choose from a selection of projects and complete at least 3 a quarter in addition to weekly sketchbook assignments and other class assignments. Additional projects done at a high level are required for honors credit. Attendance is mandatory. Grading criteria: Students are heavily graded on attendance, participation and effort, attitude and meeting assignment deadlines.

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