Ag Shop Skills

3 Free TVCC College Credits (2+2)
If you like to work with your hands, this is the class for you. This hands-on course studies basic skills needed for a metal shop. Topics covered will be: Safety, Bill of materials, Blue Print Reading, Hand Tool Reconditioning, Arc Welding, MIG Welding, Oxy-Act Welding, Oxy-Act cutting, Plasma Cutting, and metal projects. It is the student’s responsibility to come up with their own project. This class is almost all shop work. College credit can be accumulated through this course. This class is a prerequisite for Advanced Ag. Shop Skills. Authorized eye protection will be required while in the shop.
3 Free TVCC College Credits (2+2)
Pre: Intro to Ag Shop Skills and Instructor Approval
If you liked Intro to Ag Shop Skills class, you’ll have a blast in this advanced class. You can receive hands on mechanical skills for preparation in advanced agricultural engineering courses. Principles of cold metal, as well as advanced welding skills in Arc welding, MIG welding, Blue print reading, Oxy-act welding, Oxy cutting, Surveying, Basic electrical house wiring, and intro to TIG welding are taught. College Credit can be accumulated through this course. The student will construct shop projects in this class. It is the student’s responsibility to come up with their own projects. Authorized eye protection, either safety glasses or goggles, will be required while in the shop.

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